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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - plaster


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Перевод с английского языка plaster на русский

1) гипсовать 2) штукатурить 3) штукатурка 4) штукатурный раствор to apply plaster — наносить штукатурку brown plaster coatвторой намет штукатурки gypsum wall plaster — штукатурный гипс scratch a plaster coat — насекать намет штукатурки scratch plaster coat — первый намет штукатурки sprayed plaster base — констр. набрызг - coat of plaster - flooring plaster - gas-tight plaster - gypsum plaster - lime plaster - regrate plaster - temper plaster - trowel plaster
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См. в других словарях

  1. стр. штукатурка (для внутренних работ); замазка; шпаклевка wall plaster —- стенная штукатурка dentist's plaster —- мед. зубной цемент 2. гипс gypsum plaster —- алебастр to put a leg in plaster —- положить ногу в гипс, наложить гипс на ногу 3. пластырь adhesive (sticking) plaster —- лейкопластырь mustard plaster —- горчичник 4. то, что облегчает боль, страдания a plaster for all sores —- панацея, средство от всех бед 5. ам. сл. масло 6. ам. сл. банкнота, бумажка в один доллар 7. канад. разг. закладная to put a plaster on a house —- заложить дом 8. ам. сл. шпик, хвост 9. ам. сл. повестка 10. ам. сл. ордер на арест 11. (также plaster over, plaster up) стр. штукатурить to plaster (over (up)) a wall —- оштукатурить стену 12. (также plaster over, plaster up) заделывать; замазывать to plaster (up) a crack —- замазать (заделать) трещину to plaster over the cracks —- разг. скрывать недостатки; разг. сглаживать противоречия to plaster a quarrel —- (кое-как) помириться 13. мазать, намазывать; покрывать слоем (чего-л.) to plaster one's face with powder —- сильно напудриться to plaster down one's hair —- напомадить и пригладить волосы hair plastered up with pomatum —- густо напомаженные волосы a tongue thickly plastered with white fur —- язык, покрытый сильным белым налетом, сильно обложенный язык 14. пачкать to get plastered —- простореч. испачкаться, измазаться he was...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  over coll. скрывать (недостатки, разногласия и т.п.); We can try to plaster over the disagreement in the union. You cant hide lack of unity in the party by plastering over the cracks. PLASTER  1. noun  1) штукатурка; - plaster of Paris  2) пластырь  2. v.  1) штукатурить; The holes in the wall had been plastered over/up so that they didnt show.  2) накладывать пластырь  3) мазать, намазывать; покрывать слоем (чего-л.); The boy was plastering butter on his bread.  4) пачкать; Your boots are plastered with mud.  5) наклеивать, оклеивать; The whole city was plastered with advertisements for the show.  6) грубо льстить (тж. plaster with praise)  7) подмешивать гипс (в вино) - plaster over PLASTER cast noun  1) гипсовый слепок  2) med. гипсовая повязка PLASTER of Paris гипс ...
Англо-русский словарь
  строительный гипс штукатурка (обычно гипсоизвестковая); штукатурный раствор штукатурить, оштукатуривать plaster of Paris absorbent plaster acoustical plaster acoustical plaster and plastic adamant plaster anhydrous plaster anticondensation plaster asbestos plaster barium plaster bond plaster cement plaster concrete-bonding plaster decoration plaster fibrous plaster finish plaster fireprooring plaster gauging plaster gypsum building plaster gypsum neat plaster hard plaster hard-burnt plaster hemihydrate plaster insulating plaster lightweight plaster lime plaster molding plaster perlite plaster premixed lightweight gypsum plaster reinforced plaster sanded plaster sprayed plaster thermally insulating plaster three-coat plaster tiling plaster two-coat plaster ungauged lime plaster unsound plaster veneer plaster vermiculite plaster wall plaster wood-fibered plaster ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) штукатурка; штукатурный раствор; строительный гипс штукатурить 2) двойная корка (дефект слитка) to gage plaster — вносить добавки в штукатурный раствор; to key plaster — насекать поверхность штукатурки; to run plaster through sieve — процеживать (штукатурный) раствор через сито; to scour plaster — затирать штукатурку вкруговую; to scratch plaster — насекать поверхность штукатурки; to trowel — наносить штукатурку лопаткой plaster of Paris — чистый [полуводный] гипс; строительный гипс - acoustical plaster - adamant plaster - anhydrous plaster - asbestos plaster - barium plaster - bond plaster - cement plaster - concrete bond plaster - dead-burned plaster - fibered plaster - flooring plaster - gaged plaster - gaging plaster - gypsum plaster - hard plaster - hard-burned plaster - hard-finish plaster - hard-wall plaster - hemihydrate plaster - lime plaster - neat plaster - patent plaster - premixed plaster - short-working plaster - slag plaster - three-coat plaster - two-coat plaster ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a soft pliable mixture esp. of lime putty with sand or Portland cement etc. for spreading on walls, ceilings, etc., to form a smooth hard surface when dried. 2 Brit. = sticking-plaster (see STICK(2)). 3 hist. a curative or protective substance spread on a bandage etc. and applied to the body (mustard plaster). --v.tr. 1 cover (a wall etc.) with plaster or a similar substance. 2 (often foll. by with) coat thickly or to excess; bedaub (plastered the bread with jam; the wall was plastered with slogans). 3 stick or apply (a thing) thickly like plaster (plastered glue all over it). 4 (often foll. by down) make (esp. hair) smooth with water, cream, etc.; fix flat. 5 (as plastered adj.) sl. drunk. 6 apply a medical plaster or plaster cast to. 7 sl. bomb or shell heavily. Phrases and idioms plaster cast 1 a bandage stiffened with plaster of Paris and applied to a broken limb etc. 2 a statue or mould made of plaster. plaster of Paris fine white plaster made of gypsum and used for making plaster casts etc. plaster saint iron. a person regarded as being without moral faults or human frailty. Derivatives plasterer n. plastery adj. Etymology: ME f. OE & OF plastre or F plastrer f. med.L plastrum f. L emplastrum f. Gk emplastron ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin emplastrum, from Greek emplastron, from emplassein to ~ on, from en- + plassein to mold, ~; perhaps akin to Latin planus level, flat — more at floor  Date: before 12th century  1. a medicated or protective dressing that consists of a film (as of cloth or plastic) spread with a usually medicated substance adhesive ~; broadly something applied to heal and soothe  2. a pasty composition (as of lime, water, and sand) that hardens on drying and is used for coating walls, ceilings, and partitions  • ~y adjective  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to overlay or cover with ~ ; coat  2. to apply a ~ to  3.  a. to cover over or conceal as if with a coat of ~  b. to apply as a coating or incrustation  c. to smooth down with a sticky or shiny substance ~ed his hair down  4. to fasten or apply tightly to another surface  5. to treat with ~ of paris  6. to affix to or place on especially conspicuously or in quantity  7. to inflict heavy damage or loss on especially by a concentrated or unremitting attack  intransitive verb to apply ~  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (plasters, plastering, plastered) 1. Plaster is a smooth paste made of sand, lime, and water which goes hard when it dries. Plaster is used to cover walls and ceilings and is also used to make sculptures. There were huge cracks in the plaster, and the green shutters were faded... N-UNCOUNT 2. If you plaster a wall or ceiling, you cover it with a layer of plaster. The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder. VERB: V n 3. If you plaster a surface or a place with posters or pictures, you stick a lot of them all over it. They plastered the city with posters condemning her election... His room is plastered with pictures of Porsches and Ferraris. VERB: V n with n, be V-ed with n 4. If you plaster yourself in some kind of sticky substance, you cover yourself in it. She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion. VERB: V pron-refl in n 5. A plaster is a strip of sticky material used for covering small cuts or sores on your body. (BRIT; in AM, usually use Band-Aid) N-COUNT 6. see also plastered 7. If you have a leg or arm in plaster, you have a cover made of plaster of Paris around your leg or arm, in order to protect a broken bone and allow it to mend. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use in a cast) PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a substance used to cover walls and ceilings and give a smooth surface, consisting of lime, water, and sand 2 plaster of paris 3 BrE a piece of thin material that is stuck on to the skin to cover cuts and other small wounds; bandaid AmE 4 in plaster BrE if you have a leg, arm etc in plaster you have a plaster cast around a bone that is broken to keep it in place while it mends ~2 v T usually passive 1 to spread or stick something all over a surface so that it is thickly covered  (plaster sth with sth)  (Her face was plastered with make-up.) 2 to cover the pages of a newspaper with a particular story or report  (The news of the wedding was plastered all over the morning papers.) 3 to put wet plaster on a wall or ceiling 4 to make your hair lie flat or stick to your head + down/to etc  (His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat.) plaster sth over phr v to cover a hole or an old surface by spreading plaster over it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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